Monday, July 18, 2011

My place and yours- backyard...

For something different, I'm linking up with Katie over at Kate and Micheal + 3 for My place and yours. Today's theme is backyard. So I ducked outside and took a picture of ours.

It's a little foggy today
I probably could have made the yard look a bit nicer if I'd moved the hose and taken the washing in... but you know. That's what it looks like most of the time. In that back left-hand corner, there will one day be a  play fort with swings for Georgie and Number 2 to play in. We just have to wait for Daddy to make it when he gets a good stretch of time off one day! (He's a pretty good Daddy)


  1. Ooh I have backyard envy! Its huge! Thanks for beng so quick and playing along!

  2. What a great place to run around! A playfort sounds like so much fun :)


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