Saturday, November 27, 2010

Christmas is here!

Christmas has arrived! It's a little early, but I've been feeling pretty icky, and yesterday was a particularly ordinary day and I decided that the perfect way to make things brighter was to put up the tree and decorate the house for Christmas!

Here is Australia we probably don't make as big of a deal about Christmas as our American counterparts- but personally, it has always been my favourite holiday. Partly because I'm not a big fan of Easter chocolate, (seriously- Easter egg chocolate is always so much cheaper and nastier than a good quality chocolate bar) but also because I love the family getting together and just the reason for Christmas.

I really enjoy decorating the house, and I have started a tradition in the past few years of putting on my Third Day Christmas Offerings album- and Oh, it's just so much fun! The only thing that could make it better is snow!

But this year was extra fun, because I had Georgie with me. Now, she didn't really do much decorating, or any at all, really. But she lay under the tree and giggled and laughed and made happy noises while looking at the lights and decorations- so that was pretty great!

Georgie's view of the tree

In other news, Georgie is 5 months and 1 week old. Today we discovered she has ticklish feet! Very cute. Her laugh is so wonderful! She has also been a bit grumpy in these last few days... I think the poor thing has inherited her Mummy's allergies, plus the reflux is flaring up again. So, back to the Doctor again, but yeah- that's how it goes!

We're thinking of going to the city on Monday for a few days, since Shane hasn't been able to work for a while because it's raining so much, plus, his parents are going down as well. But I tell you what, even though it's been a bit hard this year because of all the rain and Shane not being able to work when it's raining- it's been good. I mean, the fact that he's been going a bit crazy because he needs to work hasn't been fun, (I don't think their trucks or work shed has ever been so organized!), and financially things are pretty tough (Thank Goodness we can stay at Shane's parents house when we're away) but still, Georgina has developed such a close bond with her Daddy, and he's just fallen so hard in love with her... so I'm still very grateful to God for this time we've had together as a family. It's been almost 5 years since Shane and I got married, and I think my love for him now is stronger than it ever was. Sure things are still hard, and we have those times when things are really sucky.... but I think having a child really cements a relationship in a very solid way. It did for us anyway.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Georgie at 5 months loves playing piano with her Daddy.

It was supposed to be a video but blogger is being spooty and won't let it load.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Last week we took Georgie for her first swim.

It was so much fun!

She kicked and smiled and splashed- I could not believe how much she enjoyed herself... especially because the water was still a bit cold.

She didn't even get grumpy when she got out!

Georgie, you are awesome!

I look forward to many more happy afternoons spent in the water with you.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Grandma.... and Georgie

I haven't posted in a while. It's been a little hard losing my Grandma. It's funny, I haven't been terribly upset about it- I haven't even cried! but I think I've been putting off posting about it, because it will make it seem very real. But I've decided to talk about it now.

On Saturday the 30th of October at 3am, Grandma passed away. She has had a few different types of cancer on and off since 1997- and has done very well for her age. But her body finally gave out. Grandma always had a lot of faith, and one of the last things she said to me on the Friday before she died was "I'm waiting for God to wake me up." She was so ready to go, and knew exactly where she was going- so it only hurt a little.

She loved you Georgie, when your Dad and I first bought a house, we bought the house next to her, and we used to go over there all the time. Your Dad used to mow her lawn. She got sicker right after you were just born, and she wasn't really up to much, but she always loved seeing you, we used to visit her every afternoon. Now it's a bit hard not having here next door. But I know we will see her in heaven.

In other news, Georgie- you are getting so big! You are 4 months and 3 weeks old now! I can't believe that I'm counting how old you are in months- it's insane! So I thought I'd post a few photos to show what you have been up to.

This is what you looked like in the car when we first brought you home from the hospital.

and this is you in your car seat now- I can't believe how much you've grown! (Plus I love how it looks like you have a little halo :)

You've been making friends with Chloe. You watch her all the time and are just so interested in her! She isn't quite so sure about you yet....

You love having a bath! You laugh and smile and kick and splash- it's so much fun to watch you!

You have discovered toys and EVERYTHING is in your mouth! I think that this may also be related to teeth though- they have already started to bother you, we've had lot of temperatures and grizzling in these past couple of weeks- but you're doing okay!

You've also discovered your thumb!

We've been trying little bits of fruit, and after I gave you a piece of melon to suck on and you almost inhaled it because Mummy was too busy talking (I know!) I decided to get one of these nifty things! They're great! You pop the fruit in the little bag and then there's no choking hazard!

In the photo it kinda looks like I'm just shoving the thing down your neck, but really you were having your first taste of mango and you were going to town on that little mesh bag!

You are so lovely. Your smile brightens up every day- and you are adorable (even if you don't have hair yet!)

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Dear Georgie,

Tomorrow we are going to Great Grandma's funeral.

She loved you very much.
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